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Who We Are

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At the climax of their family reunion, sisters LaFrance and Carolyn, along with their husbands Shawn and Jimmy decided to invite others out for a weekend to explore branson as couples.  John & Sharon Butler were in the area and came by to pray with them and for their unsaved loved ones...and the rest is history...The Team Leaders continue to cultivate an environment of growth and partnership, and now, under the covering of Bishop Eric and Pastor Regina Morrison of Kingdom Word Ministries, Heart2Heart Couples Relationship Ministry continues to elevate partnerships and covenant relationships that are an example of God's love with His children throughout this region. 

H2H Team (l to r), John & Sharon Butler,  Alfred & Gwen Gleason, Shawn & Frankie Harris, Jimmy & Carolyn Rucker

H2H Ministry Founders


Jimmy and Carolyn

Shawn and Frankie

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Pastor Regina "Only Lady" 


Bishop Eric Morrison

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